Monday, April 25, 2011

They Came In Two's

And unless you've been on the social networks you'll not have a clue what I'm on about when I mention cakes. As for the two lots of exercise I ran and I biked but I stopped short of the rowing.

It sure was hot out there today so I took it fairly easy over the 10.5km route. Talk about hilly though. For 'taking it easy' I still managed to get the heart pumping what with the 1,200 feet of ascent that included 'Breakheart Hill'. I've oft' gazed at Breakheart and thought to myself that I must find a route over the top and today I did just that. All in all it wasn't a bad little route. the section after Breakheart was - using technical terms - 'a bit rubbish' and I got a booter crossing a small water course that wasn't even on the map but despite that it wasn't a bad little route. If I can find a slightly better way off Breakheart today's route will be a keeper.

I got home in time to take the cake out of the oven - there's a gamble for you - no getting lost could I afford today else it was going to be a burnt offering. As it was I got home with a minute or two to spare before the timer went off. As to the cake it feels a little 'heavy'. I'm not sure it's risen quite as well as it should have. Maybe I'll try a bit more baking powder next time...

Anyway, the rest of today's training consisted of an hour on the bike. I couldn't get my mind off the boredom of it today so the hour lasted for about three but I got the job done. And that's the end of easter. Back to the grind stone tomorrow. Oh well, there's always next week...

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