Thursday, January 17, 2008

So lazy

Hands up. I admit it. I forgot about the Prom race tonight and took my gym kit to work. I realised before lunch but by then, equally, I realised I didn't have the fight in me for a race tonight. Maybe I'm just lazy.

At the gym, I put in a solid hour on the cross country bike session but I was tired. I only just managed to keep the speed up - notice the words 'only just', implying that I did actually manage it but I felt terribly weary and after a session on the weights I now feel a bit jaded.

I think I need some rest before the May Hill Massacre on Sunday. Anyway, I've decided to cut back on the racing. I am in danger of losing the enjoyment by weighing myself down with the weight of trying all those races. I shall, of course, be racing many many times in the coming months just not every week. I want to race for the fun of it. Maybe I'm not lazy maybe old father time is catching up with. Maybe I'm just getting old...

Thought for the day: A good listener is not only popular everywhere, but after a while he gets to know something.


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