Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Them Red Chillies Is Namby

I shall be sticking to the mini green 'uns from now on. Those bad boys have got some kick unlike the red ones. But other than that my third attempt at cooking was topper and just the thing after another hour and a quarter on the bike - yes, the blister is still total pants but...

... I have found the answer - fingers well and truly crossed. Pat recommended 'Compeed'. Hadn't heard of it so I looked it up and went and bought myself some. They are flippin' pricey for plasters and I thought they'd be a let down but not being able to run is doing my noggin in but I'll try anything - well, within reason.

Hands up though, I was wrong - at least after a few tentative, early steps - not running mind, just walking around the house. The pain and discomfort has gone - result. Going to see how the Compeed endures a full day of mooching around at work before attempting a run on Thursday. It's a fine balancing act to be ready for the weekend's training. Do I run too soon and damage my chances? or leave it to late and then find it's all to no avail? No, the Thursday lunch run it is.

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