My quads have been painful to the touch today - after I realised that... I stopped touching them. It didn't node well for tonight's run and with Sean and Rick making up the foursome I knew I was in trouble - and I wasn't wrong. We set off just after seven and almost immediately I was flagging - so much for J's email claiming his legs were a bit achy - he was bloody legging it. This being 50 malarchy doesn't seem to have slowed him down any. But then again, I reckon he was trying to send out a signal to Rick, a year his senior but in the same masters category. There may be trouble ahead...
Anyway, it was a good 11k for me, practically a tempo run on current form weighing in at just under 46 minutes. Heaven knows how bad my poor quads are going to feel tomorrow. Still, I must try and do something. Maybe the bike me thinks.
And, in case you were wondering, I haven't a clue where yesterday's photo has gone. It claims to have been posted to the web but there ain't no sign of it. I will try to post it again tomorrow. I dunno, all this techno stuff - it's just plain wrong.
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