Monday, March 03, 2008


Another day, another session. I'm making a determined effort to put in some decent training - at least for the next day or two.

Tonight it was kilometer reps up on the Downs with Rick, Sean, Tim and Mike T. We ran six out and back reps with 90s recovery. The odd numbered reps were slightly downhill - so obviously the evens were uphill. I ran OK. Not great but OK. I'm feeling the lack of training though. My times - for those who care - and in fact for those that don't - were 3:15, 3:26, 3:13, 3:13, 3:13 and 3:20. I should say at this point that Rick, Mike and I ran a slightly short measure while Sean and Tim put in the full monty - bit cold for it tonight.

Overall, I'm pleased with the session. It's nice to be finding the enthusiasm to get out there and do it - Saturday was just the kick up the behind I needed.

I run on - I run on to win.

Thought for the day: The most valuable of all talents is that of never using two words when one will do.

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