Thursday, October 29, 2009

Doing lunch

Well, the lunch time run was a success. A success in the sense that I actually got out for a run - and I headed out with work colleague and new arch nemesis, Martin.

We headed out on the Dundry loop - and I found it hard going. It's been a while - and it showed, as I puffed and panted my way around the route. I enjoyed getting back out there though. Hopefully we'll manage to get out once or twice a week - it definitely helps running with someone - it makes the likelihood of me actually going for a run about ten times more likely. It might only be five miles but every little helps and you can at least run a good, strong effort on the main hill...

1 comment:

smilinggreenmom said...

Oh you said it so so well. I am really in the same boat with running....only, I have yet to find a partner to go with me. I can understand how you feel - there's something about having someone else pushing you along sometimes LOL! I am inspired for sure. Last week, I tried getting out there and felt sore for three days. Thankfully, with my Topricin pain cream and my heating pad...I was fine a gain in a short time. Now I just have to start from zero again though on the motivation odometer!

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