Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Are You Sitting Comfortably?

Then let the baking begin - well in an hour or two.... Mind, what a pants end to the day weather-wise but at least we've got baking. I was going to have a jog through Flaxley Wood tonight but my enthusiasm for that evaporated in spray on the motorway. It was horrendous and by the time I hit the A40 I had had enough so it's more bike tonight. Tis slightly annoying me but as I look across the fields yonder, through the fine misty vapour, I just can't face it. The reservoirs might need it - but is it the right type of rain? The type that falls and soaks in or is it that stuff which gets you wet but by the time it hits the ground is already evaporating? That is the fifty three pence question...

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