Saturday, July 05, 2008


Well the holiday got off to a great start - Helen dragged me out for some hill reps up Dundry before we even left - I was knackered. Six 800m reps up East Dundry Lane is not easy and I was shagged by the time we finished - obviously she whooped me, powering to the top far quicker than I could manage - but my view was nice.

Then it was off to the airport and Rome. Everything went off well, the flight was ahead of time on arrival but boy was is it hot here. As we walked across town to the Hotel we came across a small eatery called Harrys Bar - what are the odds, a chap at work recommended it but what are the chances of just stumbling up the right street - marvellous.

Finally we arrived at the hotel which looks great, marble floors, fancy pictures everywhere and even a gym. You can guess what we had to do this morning - stop it - yep, an hour workout down the gym. So far so good, been round the Popes house, fitted in some training and now Ive even managed some geeky interent stuff - cant beat it - except I cant find the bloody apostrophe on this dodgy keyboard. Off now for a stroll around these botanical gardens weve found. Ahh, you cant beat it (except for the missing apostrophe) - (and a spell checker using the English language).

Thought for the day: Bloody hell, its hot here!!!

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