It was another golf day today - the Craggowrie Cup - incidentally one of the mountains I ran up yesterday was called Craggowrie - it shadows the golf course. If it was an omen it wasn't a particularly good one but neither was it that bad. I managed to navigate the course much better than last week and I'm guessing I might just scrape inside the top ten so I'm happy with that. Onto the running.
Strangely the pegs don't feel all that bad today. I'm tempted to go for a short run up to the Loch - nah, I'm not that tempted. No, I shall rest up ahead of tomorrow. I have a good feeling that I can make the top ten. I'm guessing the field will be about sixty strong from looking at previous results. I'm confident, in spite of the big miles I've run this week, that a mere 12k should see me strong at the finish. The river Dee crossing should be fun! It looks a bit deep - and I'm guessing cold - so yesterday was good practice for that. Hopefully, I have my running mojo well and truly back......
Thought for the day: The height of cleverness is to be able to conceal it.
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