My cold has worsened slightly. Now, we're not talking full blown man flu - that would be really serious. No, I'm not at deaths door just yet, just a little bit clogged is all. I could have gone out for a run this evening but I wouldn't have gained much from it. So I decided to have an extra rest day ahead of Saturday's Sugar Loaf - it's not like I'm going to lose all my fitness in just two days is it? - What's that? I am! Bloody hell, I better get out there for a quick ten miles - not.
At least the enforced rest gives me time to check out the cap-cam - make sure it's still working. Yep, good old cappy will be returning on Saturday for Episode 15: Return To The Top. Irrespective of how I feel I will be running on Saturday. After last weekends training run I know I won't be quick regardless of the cold so come rain or shine I will be there - and the Crown does nice grub so it almost makes the trip across worth while for that alone.
Thought for the day: When you realise what you have and appreciate it, then you have true wealth beyond measure.
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Penance has been served
And I really didn't think it would be. I've been sneezing all day. Got the sniffles and during the session I was wheezing like a 70 year with a twenty a day habit. It was an amazing session and I honestly don't know where I summoned up the strength. Perhaps it was my self loathing of yesterdays flop - whatever it was, I'm happy to take it.
We ran six 400's with long 3 minute recoveries but the aim was to run fast. Nick, Sean, Rob and Harry where practically out pacing the wind while I also fared pretty well - even if I do say so myself. The lads were running in the region of 58 to 63s while I ran 67, 68, 67, 67, 69 and 68s. After the fifth one slipped out to 69 I was worried but equally determined to complete the session having kept every one under 70. I called on all of my reserves and made it so, number one. The only time I've ever gone quicker was when we ran five 400's with an even longer 5 minute recovery.
The lads marveled as I crossed the line - more than once - I was on a role - and no, I'm not going there...
Thought for the day: Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor.
We ran six 400's with long 3 minute recoveries but the aim was to run fast. Nick, Sean, Rob and Harry where practically out pacing the wind while I also fared pretty well - even if I do say so myself. The lads were running in the region of 58 to 63s while I ran 67, 68, 67, 67, 69 and 68s. After the fifth one slipped out to 69 I was worried but equally determined to complete the session having kept every one under 70. I called on all of my reserves and made it so, number one. The only time I've ever gone quicker was when we ran five 400's with an even longer 5 minute recovery.
The lads marveled as I crossed the line - more than once - I was on a role - and no, I'm not going there...
Thought for the day: Opportunity dances with those who are already on the dance floor.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
It was massive...
I don't think I've ever seen such a big one...... the turn out at the Bridge Inn. Why, what did you think I was talking about? You smutty lot. It was possible the biggest field ever assembled!!!
I had a poor run. My tactic of blasting out fast and hanging on was perfect apart from the fact that I didn't blast out fast and nor did I hang on. No I'm kidding, I did blast out fast - too fast - even for the blast out fast and hang on technique. I got to 2k and I was shagged. That's another fine plan I didn't execute well, Stanly.
I have no excuses though. I should have been able to stay the distance better. OK, my first km was probably slightly the wrong side of suicidal but that's still no excuse and I make none. Anyway, I finished in 18:32 and got beaten by Mike T, who came past in the last km or so. I foresaw he was a danger from that run at Ashton two weeks ago and so it came to pass, as 'twas written in the prophecy. For the record my splits were - no laughing - 3:23, 3:34, 3:47, - I said no laughing - 3:54, 3:54. If only I could have held those last two at 3:47s, that would have almost been respectable - but I couldn't, so there 'tis. Rest assured I will return and I will conquer.
Suzanne H had another great run, improving her PB down to 19:39 (13s quicker than last time). It's sub 19:30 for her next time. And Sean, after arriving with just 3 minutes to go to the start, owing to Bristol's poor bus service, had a flier and also claimed a new PB at 16:17 (a 10s improvement). I think he might have something there with the get bundled from the car at the last minute warm up technique - I might try it at the next race.
On the upside, at least I've got the track session to look forward to tomorrow. Where I hope to perform my penance for tonight.
Thought for the day: Life is made up of giving and getting and forgiving and forgetting.
I had a poor run. My tactic of blasting out fast and hanging on was perfect apart from the fact that I didn't blast out fast and nor did I hang on. No I'm kidding, I did blast out fast - too fast - even for the blast out fast and hang on technique. I got to 2k and I was shagged. That's another fine plan I didn't execute well, Stanly.
I have no excuses though. I should have been able to stay the distance better. OK, my first km was probably slightly the wrong side of suicidal but that's still no excuse and I make none. Anyway, I finished in 18:32 and got beaten by Mike T, who came past in the last km or so. I foresaw he was a danger from that run at Ashton two weeks ago and so it came to pass, as 'twas written in the prophecy. For the record my splits were - no laughing - 3:23, 3:34, 3:47, - I said no laughing - 3:54, 3:54. If only I could have held those last two at 3:47s, that would have almost been respectable - but I couldn't, so there 'tis. Rest assured I will return and I will conquer.
Suzanne H had another great run, improving her PB down to 19:39 (13s quicker than last time). It's sub 19:30 for her next time. And Sean, after arriving with just 3 minutes to go to the start, owing to Bristol's poor bus service, had a flier and also claimed a new PB at 16:17 (a 10s improvement). I think he might have something there with the get bundled from the car at the last minute warm up technique - I might try it at the next race.
On the upside, at least I've got the track session to look forward to tomorrow. Where I hope to perform my penance for tonight.
Thought for the day: Life is made up of giving and getting and forgiving and forgetting.
Monday, October 29, 2007
My quads are still aching so I haven't been training today - unless you count a quick 30 minute run followed by an hour on the bike and topped off with a quick upper body weights session - got cha! Nope, I didn't do any of that - except for the weights bit, that is, but that doesn't really count as training. So it really was a day of rest. Time to give this frail corporal (another one to add to my list of big words I've never used before) form of mine a bit of respite from the abuse I send its way. Haven't really got much to say - for once, there, I said it for you - you were all thinking it anyway. So as punishment I'll bore you all with more of my prose, penned after my trip to Sugar Loaf on Saturday - stop groaning you nasty lot - on second thoughts, groan away...
Thought for the day: When you can change things for the better, do so. When you can't, don't worry that you couldn't.
There is a hill.
Its slopes call to me.
I know peace when I am there.
I see all.
I sense all.
I am the clouds.
And it feels good.
There is a hill.
Its slopes call to me.
I know peace when I am there.
I see all.
I sense all.
I am the clouds.
And it feels good.
Thought for the day: When you can change things for the better, do so. When you can't, don't worry that you couldn't.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Only went and did it again...
What you ask? Forgot that the bloody clocks changed today - what a cock - I could have had an extra in bed. On the bright side at least I wasn't late this time - and I realised my faux paux before I turned up an hour early - so no harm done.
Anyway, it was up to Ashton in the pouring rain - how depressing, two days in a row of fine, drizzly rain - the kind that gets you wet. The stalwarts arrived, Sean, Rick, Mike T and Graham - and off we set - well, actually we set off before Graham got there but I was confident he would show so we did a lap by the road to see him arrive. It's great to see Mike so keen - but then he is building for another crack at leg 7 of the Castles Relay.
We managed just under 11k in around 57 minutes and to be honest that was as fast as I could go. It wasn't that I felt particularly achy after yesterday but I was just lacking in the power department. Although yesterday's run showed me my severe weaknesses I actually feel pretty positive that I coped with it reasonably well. I expected to feel far worse than I actually do.
And after the exertions of yesterday and today I decided to be sensible and not follow today's run with my now customary hour on the bike - I only did 45 minutes :)
The quads are now aching a little bit - but they'll recover by Tuesday I'm sure.
Thought for the day: A life is never ended until all the lives it has touched have ended too.
Anyway, it was up to Ashton in the pouring rain - how depressing, two days in a row of fine, drizzly rain - the kind that gets you wet. The stalwarts arrived, Sean, Rick, Mike T and Graham - and off we set - well, actually we set off before Graham got there but I was confident he would show so we did a lap by the road to see him arrive. It's great to see Mike so keen - but then he is building for another crack at leg 7 of the Castles Relay.
We managed just under 11k in around 57 minutes and to be honest that was as fast as I could go. It wasn't that I felt particularly achy after yesterday but I was just lacking in the power department. Although yesterday's run showed me my severe weaknesses I actually feel pretty positive that I coped with it reasonably well. I expected to feel far worse than I actually do.
And after the exertions of yesterday and today I decided to be sensible and not follow today's run with my now customary hour on the bike - I only did 45 minutes :)
The quads are now aching a little bit - but they'll recover by Tuesday I'm sure.
Thought for the day: A life is never ended until all the lives it has touched have ended too.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Slowly does it
I made it across to Sugar Loaf and clocked up 17 miles and 4,000ft of climb. Yes, the weather was rubbish - visibility at the top was zero. Yes, I was slow - 2 hours 54 minutes!!! - for just 17 miles - yeh, how pathetic is that and yes, I can't believe how much mountain running stamina I've lost - I am so out of practice. Next weeks race is going to be so hard but despite all that today was still a good day.
Off for a recovery run up Ashton tomorrow before preparing for a fast one over at the Bridge Inn on Tuesday - provided today hasn't taken too much of a toll on me...
Thought for the day: Never give up your dream even though you know you'll never make it.
Off for a recovery run up Ashton tomorrow before preparing for a fast one over at the Bridge Inn on Tuesday - provided today hasn't taken too much of a toll on me...
Thought for the day: Never give up your dream even though you know you'll never make it.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Going loopy down in Acapulco
It was the zoo loops tonight. My first time with Mike's group for ages. Must have been almost five months since the last time. And guess what - I only missed the f#$king start didn't I. Jerry very kindly told me where the session was - didn't mention the new start time of 7:00 vs the old 7:30 did he!!! Lucky for me they never start on time so I only missed the first two reps - which I hasten to add - I solo'd at the end - no skimping for me thank you very much.
Anyway, I turned up just in time for the first short lap. The rest of the, have to say, impressively large group had already run a long and a medium lap. The recovery was 90s between laps. So without chance of a warm up I headed on out on the short one. Then it was another long (1.1k), medium (880m) and short (660m) before I ran my solo long and medium to finish. My splits were 2:15, 3:55, 3:01, 2:20, 4:02 and 3:08. It was a pretty good session especially on the back of my other two sessions this week but my calfs do feel a bit tight now. I felt I even managed to keep the elusive Jerry in sight tonight - but he probably begs to differ...
Joy to my rest day tomorrow before mission long run on Saturday. Haven't finally decided where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been. Hanging on the promises, in runs of yesterday, and I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time. Here I go again on my own ....
Thought for the day: Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.
Anyway, I turned up just in time for the first short lap. The rest of the, have to say, impressively large group had already run a long and a medium lap. The recovery was 90s between laps. So without chance of a warm up I headed on out on the short one. Then it was another long (1.1k), medium (880m) and short (660m) before I ran my solo long and medium to finish. My splits were 2:15, 3:55, 3:01, 2:20, 4:02 and 3:08. It was a pretty good session especially on the back of my other two sessions this week but my calfs do feel a bit tight now. I felt I even managed to keep the elusive Jerry in sight tonight - but he probably begs to differ...
Joy to my rest day tomorrow before mission long run on Saturday. Haven't finally decided where I'm going, but I sure know where I've been. Hanging on the promises, in runs of yesterday, and I've made up my mind, I ain't wasting no more time. Here I go again on my own ....
Thought for the day: Don't waste your time on jealousy. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with yourself.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
The magic number...
Can you adam and eve it? What? This is my four hundredth blog post in just a little over a year!!! - What a sad bastard I am.
Anyway, it was even shorter stuff on the track this week than last. 300's and 200's - it was a bloody ace session though. I've run slightly quicker three's in my time, in fact I've run slightly quicker two's as well - but never as many in row or off as short recoveries as we had tonight.
We ran six 300's with 45s recovery using the rhythm technique - oops, I mean the rotational technique - it makes the session go quicker! Then a jogged lap before six 200's with 30s recovery. Then as we completed the final warm down lap, "a 400 for luck", shouts Rick and off we went. My 3's were 50, 50, 50, 50, 52, 53 and the 2's were 32, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 with the final 4 in 77s. My lungs were bursting - everything was bursting but the groin held together and all in all it was a very satisfying session. I was fair ready to club Rick to death should he try and make us run any more reps - he lived.
We were a bit thin on the ground tonight. Sean continues to look impressive and Jamie and I were like peas in a pod. He finished a bit ahead of me on some and me ahead of him on others. What am I saying, we looked nothing like peas - or pods for that matter.
Thought for the day: Know yourself and be happy with you, then the need to impress others will become unnecessary.
Anyway, it was even shorter stuff on the track this week than last. 300's and 200's - it was a bloody ace session though. I've run slightly quicker three's in my time, in fact I've run slightly quicker two's as well - but never as many in row or off as short recoveries as we had tonight.
We ran six 300's with 45s recovery using the rhythm technique - oops, I mean the rotational technique - it makes the session go quicker! Then a jogged lap before six 200's with 30s recovery. Then as we completed the final warm down lap, "a 400 for luck", shouts Rick and off we went. My 3's were 50, 50, 50, 50, 52, 53 and the 2's were 32, 33, 33, 33, 33, 33 with the final 4 in 77s. My lungs were bursting - everything was bursting but the groin held together and all in all it was a very satisfying session. I was fair ready to club Rick to death should he try and make us run any more reps - he lived.
We were a bit thin on the ground tonight. Sean continues to look impressive and Jamie and I were like peas in a pod. He finished a bit ahead of me on some and me ahead of him on others. What am I saying, we looked nothing like peas - or pods for that matter.
Thought for the day: Know yourself and be happy with you, then the need to impress others will become unnecessary.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
It was a semi rest day for me today down at the gym. No running but I put in a hard half hour on the bike to work up a lather - oooh, dirty. Then it was a quicker than intended session on the weights due to the fact I couldn't stay focused - that woman on the running machine was so off putting - mouth agape, eyes out on stalks, drooling - I felt so self conscious ;)
Anyway, it's another IT night for me tonight as I'm off to install XP for someone to upgrade them from the nightmare operating system that was Windows Millennium - a woeful, simple woeful piece of software. Looking forward to the track tomorrow though...
Thought for the day: Relax and allow this moment to come. Savor the richness of it as it passes through your experience.
Anyway, it's another IT night for me tonight as I'm off to install XP for someone to upgrade them from the nightmare operating system that was Windows Millennium - a woeful, simple woeful piece of software. Looking forward to the track tomorrow though...
Thought for the day: Relax and allow this moment to come. Savor the richness of it as it passes through your experience.
Monday, October 22, 2007
The meter's running...
On the cooking of my Quorn curry - mmmm mmm.
It was another great session on the grass - well, I thought it was great anyway - I think the lads did too, really. Running in the group really helps me keep the focus. I don't think I could put in as much effort solo - in fact, I'm certain I couldn't. It was an ever so slightly longer session than last week. We ran two 6 minute reps, one 5 minute rep, one 3 minute rep and two 2 minute reps to finish all with strict two minute recoveries. It was the same turn out as last week minus Harry - who forgot, or so I'm told, tut tut.
My pace was about as quick as last week, even with the slightly longer reps - so that was good. And I managed to run the last rep, a 2:20 to the trees, exactly as last week. This was my third training day in a row and the previous two days have been reasonably hard - we're talking 4 hours forty worth of running and biking so to be as quick as last week doth please me most excellently. I look forward to the rest of the weeks training with much vigor...
Thought for the day: Even the most difficult challenges, even the most demanding efforts can bring real joy as you work through them.
It was another great session on the grass - well, I thought it was great anyway - I think the lads did too, really. Running in the group really helps me keep the focus. I don't think I could put in as much effort solo - in fact, I'm certain I couldn't. It was an ever so slightly longer session than last week. We ran two 6 minute reps, one 5 minute rep, one 3 minute rep and two 2 minute reps to finish all with strict two minute recoveries. It was the same turn out as last week minus Harry - who forgot, or so I'm told, tut tut.
My pace was about as quick as last week, even with the slightly longer reps - so that was good. And I managed to run the last rep, a 2:20 to the trees, exactly as last week. This was my third training day in a row and the previous two days have been reasonably hard - we're talking 4 hours forty worth of running and biking so to be as quick as last week doth please me most excellently. I look forward to the rest of the weeks training with much vigor...
Thought for the day: Even the most difficult challenges, even the most demanding efforts can bring real joy as you work through them.
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Pushed up the hill
It was a small but perfectly formed group of us up at Ashton Court this morning. Mike T was back - and I have to say running remarkably well. Graham C, Rick and me made up the numbers. It was a lovely day for running. The sun shone, the birds sang and life was good - well, OK, life was at least bearable. We ran for about 50 minutes and for me it was a good recovery run.
As we approached the bottom entrance - oh er, misses - I decided to put in an effort, to test how well I would go up the hill to the golf car park. Imagine my shock when Mike T came with me on the first climb to the House. I felt like I was pushing reasonably strongly but he stuck with me. In fact, I would suggest he pushed on past me! It was a worry. As we ran past the house he just went out the front door and I was even more worried. As we approached the final climb up past the deer park and estate managers house I tried again and got into the rhythm of the stomp. I finally managed to break free of Mike and just kept the hammer down all the way to the top. I was blowing hard by the end but it proved to me I still have it - it felt good. Hats off to Mike though, I have a feeling he could be trouble in the coming months - I shall have to keep a close eye on his running development...
Anyway, after the run I headed off down the gym for another tough hour on the Bike. It's all beginning to click back into place. I still can't believe how quickly I've got over the marathon. I almost feel as fit, strong and quick as I ever have. I shall have to test myself at the Bridge Inn - the proof of the pudding will be in the running.
Thought for the day: In every frustration there is a powerful message. Frustration tells you, in no uncertain terms, that something is not as good as it could possibly be.
As we approached the bottom entrance - oh er, misses - I decided to put in an effort, to test how well I would go up the hill to the golf car park. Imagine my shock when Mike T came with me on the first climb to the House. I felt like I was pushing reasonably strongly but he stuck with me. In fact, I would suggest he pushed on past me! It was a worry. As we ran past the house he just went out the front door and I was even more worried. As we approached the final climb up past the deer park and estate managers house I tried again and got into the rhythm of the stomp. I finally managed to break free of Mike and just kept the hammer down all the way to the top. I was blowing hard by the end but it proved to me I still have it - it felt good. Hats off to Mike though, I have a feeling he could be trouble in the coming months - I shall have to keep a close eye on his running development...
Anyway, after the run I headed off down the gym for another tough hour on the Bike. It's all beginning to click back into place. I still can't believe how quickly I've got over the marathon. I almost feel as fit, strong and quick as I ever have. I shall have to test myself at the Bridge Inn - the proof of the pudding will be in the running.
Thought for the day: In every frustration there is a powerful message. Frustration tells you, in no uncertain terms, that something is not as good as it could possibly be.
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Nice words of encouragement
Thanks for the comment on temptation and were it not for the fact that I'm just in from a 15 miler followed by an hours hard interval on the bike my balance would have been tipped. But it's a bit academic now as I'm a fair tad knackered.
It was really good to get back out there for a long run though but I found it hard to get going. I was twenty minutes in before I really started to feel comfortable and able to pick up the pace. At the finish my average mile pace was just over sevens so that really wasn't too bad.
I've decided I'm not going to race next week - it's just too far to go in a day - we're talking 400 miles of driving plus the 'challenging' race. Instead I shall definitely run a twenty miler and I might recce part of the Green Man Challenge route. For those who haven't heard about the GMC, it's a 45 mile route along the Community Forest Path around Bristol - and it might just manage to kick start my preparations to complete the entire path inside eight hours - which I hasten is on my list of mad things to do. If I like what I see I might consider an attempt in the early part of next year...
Thought for the day: Life is gloriously difficult. The universe is wonderfully complex.
It was really good to get back out there for a long run though but I found it hard to get going. I was twenty minutes in before I really started to feel comfortable and able to pick up the pace. At the finish my average mile pace was just over sevens so that really wasn't too bad.
I've decided I'm not going to race next week - it's just too far to go in a day - we're talking 400 miles of driving plus the 'challenging' race. Instead I shall definitely run a twenty miler and I might recce part of the Green Man Challenge route. For those who haven't heard about the GMC, it's a 45 mile route along the Community Forest Path around Bristol - and it might just manage to kick start my preparations to complete the entire path inside eight hours - which I hasten is on my list of mad things to do. If I like what I see I might consider an attempt in the early part of next year...
Thought for the day: Life is gloriously difficult. The universe is wonderfully complex.
Friday, October 19, 2007
I have been tempted. I've heard about a race on Sunday called the Stagger. It's a short run from Minehead to Dunkery Beacon, the highest point on Exmoor, and back. It's only 15 miles and 3300ft of climb - oh how I am tempted.
I yearn to run it. Looking at the times from last year I could make the top twenty. But I have vowed to train at Ashton on Sunday and I know I should really stick to the plan for a long run tomorrow. Then, at least, I will be ready for Monday's training session.
But oh how my heart yearns to race but for this one time only I shall let my head rule.
Thought for the day: If you're always chasing happiness, it will never be able to find you. Relax, simply give happiness a place to live in you, and it will be in great abundance.
PS There is still time for me to change my mind though....
I yearn to run it. Looking at the times from last year I could make the top twenty. But I have vowed to train at Ashton on Sunday and I know I should really stick to the plan for a long run tomorrow. Then, at least, I will be ready for Monday's training session.
But oh how my heart yearns to race but for this one time only I shall let my head rule.
Thought for the day: If you're always chasing happiness, it will never be able to find you. Relax, simply give happiness a place to live in you, and it will be in great abundance.
PS There is still time for me to change my mind though....
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Well, I managed to fit in three hard sessions this week - the first time for a good few months and you know what? I feel fine.
With the National Road Relays on Saturday there was no Mike D session tonight so instead I went for a steady run in Ashton Court and clocked up a decent enough 55 minutes. I really had my heart set on another tough session so when I came to the zig-zags, in the bottom woods, I could not resist. I decided it would be highly sensible to run five hill loops. What's good about the zig-zag loop is you get a good effort on the way up and because the loop continues round and down on a treacherous, stony path you get good downhill practice as well - bargain. Anyway, once I had the hill reps out the way I was pumped and ran through the twisty, windy mountain bike path at pretty much full tilt. I was bombing and basically blasted the last 25 minutes back to the gym...
... Where - obviously - I put in a 45 minute session on the bike on high interval resistance. I was off the seat a few times with the effort I can tell you. Then it was onto the weights for a bit of work on the old upper body strength. Now that's the way to clock up a 2hr20 session after work - nice.
And you know what? I think I might have a rest day tomorrow before attempting twenty on Saturday on the route that I lovingly refer to as old faithful...
Thought for the day: There's no sense in fighting over the scraps that others might or might not throw under the table. Instead, get busy and create your own magnificent feast.
With the National Road Relays on Saturday there was no Mike D session tonight so instead I went for a steady run in Ashton Court and clocked up a decent enough 55 minutes. I really had my heart set on another tough session so when I came to the zig-zags, in the bottom woods, I could not resist. I decided it would be highly sensible to run five hill loops. What's good about the zig-zag loop is you get a good effort on the way up and because the loop continues round and down on a treacherous, stony path you get good downhill practice as well - bargain. Anyway, once I had the hill reps out the way I was pumped and ran through the twisty, windy mountain bike path at pretty much full tilt. I was bombing and basically blasted the last 25 minutes back to the gym...
... Where - obviously - I put in a 45 minute session on the bike on high interval resistance. I was off the seat a few times with the effort I can tell you. Then it was onto the weights for a bit of work on the old upper body strength. Now that's the way to clock up a 2hr20 session after work - nice.
And you know what? I think I might have a rest day tomorrow before attempting twenty on Saturday on the route that I lovingly refer to as old faithful...
Thought for the day: There's no sense in fighting over the scraps that others might or might not throw under the table. Instead, get busy and create your own magnificent feast.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Keeping up with the joneses
Ok, so I didn't quite manage to keep up with the boyz but I didn't miss it by a million miles, for one of your smiles, my mammy - now I'm showing my age - hang on a mo' I'm not that old!
It was a session of 400's tonight. Ten of the little devils with a 100m jog recovery - which in the case of the lads is actually a pretty slow walk but, with a little coaxing, we kept them to about 90s. After the eighth rep things turned nasty - Jerry, Jerry, Jerry - they chanted - as I cajoled them to the line for the start of number nine. Don't panic - I got out alive.
It was a good turn out tonight, Rob W, Sean, Jamie, Harry and Nick and our times ranged from 65/66's at the front to my 71/72's. We all managed pretty consistent laps. No one dramatically slowed but everyone was knackered by the end - as you should be. And all in all I wasn't that far off the back. The last time I ran this session I was hitting 74/75's so that's quite an impressive 3s improvement - well, at least I think it is.
I think Rob was the only one who managed to speed up slightly through the session - but then he was getting lighter as the laps went by. It was like watching a game of pass the parcel as his seven layers of assorted t-shirts and jumpers came off lap by lap! And Jamie just managed to hold me off on the last lap. I gave everything in the last hundred to try and catch him but he just had enough - swine.
For the record my laps were 75, 71, 70, 71, 71, 71, 72, 72, 73, 72
Thought for the day: If you are always willing to make one more attempt, you will reach your goal. No matter what result you get, the only real failure is when you stop making the attempt.
It was a session of 400's tonight. Ten of the little devils with a 100m jog recovery - which in the case of the lads is actually a pretty slow walk but, with a little coaxing, we kept them to about 90s. After the eighth rep things turned nasty - Jerry, Jerry, Jerry - they chanted - as I cajoled them to the line for the start of number nine. Don't panic - I got out alive.
It was a good turn out tonight, Rob W, Sean, Jamie, Harry and Nick and our times ranged from 65/66's at the front to my 71/72's. We all managed pretty consistent laps. No one dramatically slowed but everyone was knackered by the end - as you should be. And all in all I wasn't that far off the back. The last time I ran this session I was hitting 74/75's so that's quite an impressive 3s improvement - well, at least I think it is.
I think Rob was the only one who managed to speed up slightly through the session - but then he was getting lighter as the laps went by. It was like watching a game of pass the parcel as his seven layers of assorted t-shirts and jumpers came off lap by lap! And Jamie just managed to hold me off on the last lap. I gave everything in the last hundred to try and catch him but he just had enough - swine.
For the record my laps were 75, 71, 70, 71, 71, 71, 72, 72, 73, 72
Thought for the day: If you are always willing to make one more attempt, you will reach your goal. No matter what result you get, the only real failure is when you stop making the attempt.
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
Well hung
Finally got those damn pictures of mine hung!
Now to training matters. I got so wet at work today - no, there wasn't a leak in the office - I was out in the field, in the rain, so to speak. I couldn't face any more time in the rain so my intended run about in Ashton Court was cancelled in favour of the nice and dry gym where I lifted some weights and put in an hour on the bike.
I'm raring to go at tomorrow's track session and then hopefully I will make Mike Down's session on Thursday.
Thought for the day: If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
For anyone who cares, here's the art in its final resting place.
Now to training matters. I got so wet at work today - no, there wasn't a leak in the office - I was out in the field, in the rain, so to speak. I couldn't face any more time in the rain so my intended run about in Ashton Court was cancelled in favour of the nice and dry gym where I lifted some weights and put in an hour on the bike.
I'm raring to go at tomorrow's track session and then hopefully I will make Mike Down's session on Thursday.
Thought for the day: If you wish to succeed in life, make perseverance your bosom friend, experience your wise counselor, caution your elder brother, and hope your guardian genius.
For anyone who cares, here's the art in its final resting place.

Monday, October 15, 2007
What a downer
Only kidding :) It was a great spot of training up on the Downs tonight. The lads were out in force - showing me how it's done. We ran longer reps to a time as opposed to a distance. And it was tough - lung bustingly, lactic inducingly tough. But I managed to hold my own tonight by virtue of the longer reps. Nick and Sean were away at the front but Harry, Ed and me were more evenly matched and I got the impression that Rick was just toying with us - like a tiger plays with his prey before the kill.
The session consisted of two 5:45 efforts (which were 1.6k according to the gps) with 2 minutes recovery then a 3 minute effort (830m) followed by a 4 minuter (1.1k) - should have been two 3:30's but we got a slight mis-measure on the first one - oops. We finished off with two 2 minutes bursts, trying to reach the gap in the trees within 2:20 (660m). I failed on the first attempt by about half a second but just scraped in on the last one.
It was a bloody marvelous session. I'm well pleased - and surprised - to have gone so well but it was a real battle of will to stay with it. The old legs were full of lactic after the first four reps and were it not for the shame I would have felt in the eyes of the gang I would surely not have completed. And another thing, it's tough on the grass in the dark, when you can't see where your feet are going so to manage the first two reps so quick was fantastic.
Quote of the day, courtesy of Ed after going off like a rocket on the second of the 5:45 reps, in response to the question 'You went off like a rocket?' - 'Well, I had to have a pop!' - good answer.
The session consisted of two 5:45 efforts (which were 1.6k according to the gps) with 2 minutes recovery then a 3 minute effort (830m) followed by a 4 minuter (1.1k) - should have been two 3:30's but we got a slight mis-measure on the first one - oops. We finished off with two 2 minutes bursts, trying to reach the gap in the trees within 2:20 (660m). I failed on the first attempt by about half a second but just scraped in on the last one.
It was a bloody marvelous session. I'm well pleased - and surprised - to have gone so well but it was a real battle of will to stay with it. The old legs were full of lactic after the first four reps and were it not for the shame I would have felt in the eyes of the gang I would surely not have completed. And another thing, it's tough on the grass in the dark, when you can't see where your feet are going so to manage the first two reps so quick was fantastic.
Quote of the day, courtesy of Ed after going off like a rocket on the second of the 5:45 reps, in response to the question 'You went off like a rocket?' - 'Well, I had to have a pop!' - good answer.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
An arty moment...
Just a quick one - stop - off topic as it is. Thought you might like to see my latest creation - it's alive!! - not really. No, it's my attempt at art - attempt in the very very loosest sense of the word (yeh, got the right spelling of loose this time).
As a focal point for my redecorated living room, to break up the white, I decided to paint something. Now bearing in mind that I'm shit at art but didn't just want to buy something this is the best I could come up with. So what do you think?

(Obviously it's not hung well - sssh, stop it - it'll be mounted soon enough - no, sssh).
As a focal point for my redecorated living room, to break up the white, I decided to paint something. Now bearing in mind that I'm shit at art but didn't just want to buy something this is the best I could come up with. So what do you think?

(Obviously it's not hung well - sssh, stop it - it'll be mounted soon enough - no, sssh).
Six figure mileage
No, nothing to do with running. I clocked up the big 100,000 in the car the other day - bully for me.
Anyway, it was up to Ashton today for the Sunday run. We ran for about 50 minutes around the perimeter before heading out along the tow path and up the hill that is known as Fred - sorry, Nightingale. So the big question, did I make it all the way to the top without stopping? Do I still have the power? And why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? ....... I've got the power, du du du da da da du du du da da da, I've got the power [music plays - you know the song].
I honestly wasn't sure how well I would go up that hill. There's been many a time I've stopped on that bad boy before now when in top condition so I have to think I'm not far off fully recovered with the way I glided up there today - OK, glided might not be the right word - no, dammit, I'm sticking with glided.
The quads, calfs and achilles all survived unscathed so I should by up for training tomorrow night on the Downs with the lads. I'm back and I mean business.
Some news from Yesterday. Sean had a good day over the Bridge in Swansea it the first Gwent League cross country, coming 9th overall in his race which sees him up against the under 20's. Nick didn't go quite so well - you're going to have to come up Ashton Court on Sunday's with us Nick, to get some distance work. And early reports suggest Rick had a decent enough run on the comeback trail. And me? Well, I had a bloody ace race - first in the 2pm lie in and a PB to boot - back of the net.
Thought for the day: It is bad luck to be superstitious.
Anyway, it was up to Ashton today for the Sunday run. We ran for about 50 minutes around the perimeter before heading out along the tow path and up the hill that is known as Fred - sorry, Nightingale. So the big question, did I make it all the way to the top without stopping? Do I still have the power? And why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near? ....... I've got the power, du du du da da da du du du da da da, I've got the power [music plays - you know the song].
I honestly wasn't sure how well I would go up that hill. There's been many a time I've stopped on that bad boy before now when in top condition so I have to think I'm not far off fully recovered with the way I glided up there today - OK, glided might not be the right word - no, dammit, I'm sticking with glided.
The quads, calfs and achilles all survived unscathed so I should by up for training tomorrow night on the Downs with the lads. I'm back and I mean business.
Some news from Yesterday. Sean had a good day over the Bridge in Swansea it the first Gwent League cross country, coming 9th overall in his race which sees him up against the under 20's. Nick didn't go quite so well - you're going to have to come up Ashton Court on Sunday's with us Nick, to get some distance work. And early reports suggest Rick had a decent enough run on the comeback trail. And me? Well, I had a bloody ace race - first in the 2pm lie in and a PB to boot - back of the net.
Thought for the day: It is bad luck to be superstitious.
Thursday, October 11, 2007
Alrighty, poetry nighty
A simple rest day was required today so it was just half hour bike and some weights. I still have a bit of the buzz left from yesterday's track session. I was so surprised to be able to a) complete the session and b) knock out a few quick ones - no, shh.
Anyway, the madness is starting to take hold once again. I now feel 98.3512% certain that I'm going to make my fell come back at the Rhinog Horseshoe on the 20th. It's a sprint event weighing in at only 15 miles and 5000ft. If I'm going to run Luton I need to plough on with training and I can think of no better way than a nice scenic run in the mountains - f.a.b.
And now for the poetry - avert your eyes - I did warn you the madness was back...
Thought for the day: Why does the person that snores always fall asleep first?
Anyway, the madness is starting to take hold once again. I now feel 98.3512% certain that I'm going to make my fell come back at the Rhinog Horseshoe on the 20th. It's a sprint event weighing in at only 15 miles and 5000ft. If I'm going to run Luton I need to plough on with training and I can think of no better way than a nice scenic run in the mountains - f.a.b.
And now for the poetry - avert your eyes - I did warn you the madness was back...
Drifting, uplifting, it's good to be back
Running and chasing, exhilarating
Wind in my willows, - stop it - race line follows
Slowing and blowing, the effort is telling
Session complete, body heat, neat
Muscles tight, losing the fight
Try as I might, it's good to be back.
Thought for the day: Why does the person that snores always fall asleep first?
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
In the pack at the track getting back the knack
I couldn't wait any longer. It's only been ten days since the marathon. I was intending to give myself another week off but I just couldn't wait any longer. It was my first proper session on the track - training session, thank you - with the lads for a couple of months. Sure, I've been at the track most weeks but I've been doing my own thing. Tonight I ran with the gang again and managed to stay the distance. All the usual suspects were present and accounted for, Nick, Jamie, Harry and Sean. And I have to say they all seemed to be going well.
We ran fours sets of 600m, a one minute recovery then a 400m with about 3 minutes between sets. I set off like a rocket on the first set - way too fast - just to see if I still had it - [winks at camera] the magic's still there - what bollocks I write. I did slow but still, it doth please me to have made my return. My splits were 1:51, 68, 1:53, 73, 1:59, 75 and 1:57, 73. I thought I was blown - no, don't go there - after the third set but I managed to find something for the last one. I've been quicker, there's no question, but I reckon I can build from this. It won't be long before I'm bombing along again.
My right calf is like a bow string right now but it's easing. It's another couple of rest days for me now before I try a longer run on Saturday to test the water.
Thought for the day: Be open to whatever life brings your way. There is real treasure to be found in it all.
We ran fours sets of 600m, a one minute recovery then a 400m with about 3 minutes between sets. I set off like a rocket on the first set - way too fast - just to see if I still had it - [winks at camera] the magic's still there - what bollocks I write. I did slow but still, it doth please me to have made my return. My splits were 1:51, 68, 1:53, 73, 1:59, 75 and 1:57, 73. I thought I was blown - no, don't go there - after the third set but I managed to find something for the last one. I've been quicker, there's no question, but I reckon I can build from this. It won't be long before I'm bombing along again.
My right calf is like a bow string right now but it's easing. It's another couple of rest days for me now before I try a longer run on Saturday to test the water.
Thought for the day: Be open to whatever life brings your way. There is real treasure to be found in it all.
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
Gym'll fix it
I managed to get down the gym for the first time since the marathon. The old fit test on the bike registered me as 50.9 which is within 1.5 of my best. When I tried to blast it on the bike my legs didn't feel the most powerful they ever have. Still I think I'm well on the way back to normality - that's almost an oxymoron for me!
Anyway, got to be quick as I'm off out. I've set my target race for my comeback as the Bridge Inn in a couple of weeks time - might as well start with a sprint. Then it'll be off for the 2nd of the South Wales Winter Fell Series in early November. I might, just might, run a race on the 20th October but haven't totally decided. It's probably a bit too soon to really race so if I run it I'll treat it more as training...
Thought for the day: Live every day like it's your last
Anyway, got to be quick as I'm off out. I've set my target race for my comeback as the Bridge Inn in a couple of weeks time - might as well start with a sprint. Then it'll be off for the 2nd of the South Wales Winter Fell Series in early November. I might, just might, run a race on the 20th October but haven't totally decided. It's probably a bit too soon to really race so if I run it I'll treat it more as training...
Thought for the day: Live every day like it's your last
Sunday, October 07, 2007
A pleasant return
Do you like the new blog logo? - keep your gob closed if you don't. I'm about as artistic as a grey squirrel marking his nuts up for the winter - it took me bloody ages to draw it - so it's staying.
Anyway, today saw my return to the field of battle since my hard fought, bloody defeat last week at the hands of Berlin the Terrible. I was pleased with the way things went today and felt comfortable. We ran for 55 minutes around and about Ashton Court. I'm going to continue to take things easy this coming week before starting back into what I class as proper training - eating pies and drinking beer - just kidding - speed, interval, hill work and all that jazz.
My right calf is quite tight now but the rest of me is fine. A gentle rub with the magic sponge should put everything back in order.
Thought for the day: My job is secure - no one else wants it.
Anyway, today saw my return to the field of battle since my hard fought, bloody defeat last week at the hands of Berlin the Terrible. I was pleased with the way things went today and felt comfortable. We ran for 55 minutes around and about Ashton Court. I'm going to continue to take things easy this coming week before starting back into what I class as proper training - eating pies and drinking beer - just kidding - speed, interval, hill work and all that jazz.
My right calf is quite tight now but the rest of me is fine. A gentle rub with the magic sponge should put everything back in order.
Thought for the day: My job is secure - no one else wants it.
Friday, October 05, 2007
Not quite ready yet
I'm holding myself back. I'm aiming to go for my first run after the marathon on Sunday up at Ashton Court. Hopefully it will be a pleasant shock to the system and I will feel top notch - but I doubt it. The legs feel recovered now though. The pain has gone so I reckon I will be ready to race again in a few weeks time. I'm not going to push it though. It's time for me to take a long deserved rest and I bloody well am going to take it - well, OK, I'll probably end up racing before I should but then I am slightly shot away....
Thought for the day: It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.
Thought for the day: It's lonely at the top, but you eat better.
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Shadow boxer
Like the title Nick?
The lads weren't in the mood to give me some stick - they should have - I'd have given me stick for letting the side down, and no mistake. Nick was so worried he even asked if I was serious about not doing another marathon, bless. You know me by now, I'll keep trying for that damn three hours until it kills me - and it nearly did.
It was four sets of 4, 4, 2 for the lads and I gave my thumb a first finger a good workout on the stop watch. I cracked the whip on the recovery - or tried to - they can walk real slooooowwww when they want to :)
Anyway, I'm back to walking properly - when I say properly the quads are painful as sin but it's just pain and I ain't no namby pamby so I'll shut my gob about that.
And finally, I wouldn't want to bet against Mad Andy getting out for a run tonight - the lunatic.
Thought for the day: If you can't convince them, confuse them.
The lads weren't in the mood to give me some stick - they should have - I'd have given me stick for letting the side down, and no mistake. Nick was so worried he even asked if I was serious about not doing another marathon, bless. You know me by now, I'll keep trying for that damn three hours until it kills me - and it nearly did.
It was four sets of 4, 4, 2 for the lads and I gave my thumb a first finger a good workout on the stop watch. I cracked the whip on the recovery - or tried to - they can walk real slooooowwww when they want to :)
Anyway, I'm back to walking properly - when I say properly the quads are painful as sin but it's just pain and I ain't no namby pamby so I'll shut my gob about that.
And finally, I wouldn't want to bet against Mad Andy getting out for a run tonight - the lunatic.
Thought for the day: If you can't convince them, confuse them.
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Oh what a class time we had
I'm still remembering all the little things that went on during the weekend. Keeps bringing back a smile. And, hey, no mentioning the shirt incident - that's a little for the darkside.
Obviously, there was no training tonight. There was actually very little walking today either - oh did my legs ever ache. They feel a lot better tonight - maybe I could manage a few 400's tomorrow, down at the track - just kidding. I shall be popping down the track tomorrow though - so the lads can give me some stick for doing so pants.
Off to work on the darkside - heaven forbid if they gang send me the photo's. And if you want a laugh, try and find my result on the Berlin Marathon website. If you find it you'll see the link to the video clip of me at the finish. I'm not going to tell you how to find it but it's pretty easy - then you have to try and pick me out from the crowd. A clue, I appear towards the end of the clip - hangs head in shame - it's not pretty.
Thought for the day (this one's for Kathy): VENI, VEDI, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Obviously, there was no training tonight. There was actually very little walking today either - oh did my legs ever ache. They feel a lot better tonight - maybe I could manage a few 400's tomorrow, down at the track - just kidding. I shall be popping down the track tomorrow though - so the lads can give me some stick for doing so pants.
Off to work on the darkside - heaven forbid if they gang send me the photo's. And if you want a laugh, try and find my result on the Berlin Marathon website. If you find it you'll see the link to the video clip of me at the finish. I'm not going to tell you how to find it but it's pretty easy - then you have to try and pick me out from the crowd. A clue, I appear towards the end of the clip - hangs head in shame - it's not pretty.
Thought for the day (this one's for Kathy): VENI, VEDI, VISA: I came, I saw, I did a little shopping.
Monday, October 01, 2007
The flight home
Well we all had a right laugh after the marathon on Sunday and today. It was a bloody great few days - even with the shit time. We managed to get to the after marathon party by about ten thirty on Sunday night - after a few in the local Greek restaurant first of course. I was hammered - to the amusement of the gang - no moon walking this time though. We eventually got home at around four in the morning. Party time - excellent.
Forgot to mention that I met the Great man before the race. He signed my to be thrown away at the start scabby T-Shirt - was meant to sign my race number but as I thrust myself forward my shirt must have dropped down and he signed that. Unfortunately I lobbed it away at the start not realising what had happened and only realised afterwards that he'd signed my shirt and not my race number - what a tit I am. But at least I was up close and personal with the Great man - just wish I could have followed his example and set my own personal target like wot I wanted.
After my exploits during the weekend I've been requested (read - if I don't then they will) to set up a new section on the blog, revealing the dark, inner secrets of the trip - coming soon, Tales From The Dark Side Of The Blog.
Thought for the day: Man who gets home at 23:00 the day after the Berlin marathon should stop writing and get some bloody sleep.
PS Score update. Marcia, running (the entire distance without walking) in her first marathon managed a creditable 4:52. None of us thought she would be that quick - including Andy. That's why I've awarded her the 'Mad Runner Marathon Performance Of The Week'.
To be continued...
Forgot to mention that I met the Great man before the race. He signed my to be thrown away at the start scabby T-Shirt - was meant to sign my race number but as I thrust myself forward my shirt must have dropped down and he signed that. Unfortunately I lobbed it away at the start not realising what had happened and only realised afterwards that he'd signed my shirt and not my race number - what a tit I am. But at least I was up close and personal with the Great man - just wish I could have followed his example and set my own personal target like wot I wanted.
After my exploits during the weekend I've been requested (read - if I don't then they will) to set up a new section on the blog, revealing the dark, inner secrets of the trip - coming soon, Tales From The Dark Side Of The Blog.
Thought for the day: Man who gets home at 23:00 the day after the Berlin marathon should stop writing and get some bloody sleep.
PS Score update. Marcia, running (the entire distance without walking) in her first marathon managed a creditable 4:52. None of us thought she would be that quick - including Andy. That's why I've awarded her the 'Mad Runner Marathon Performance Of The Week'.
To be continued...
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