Sunday, February 24, 2013

For Every Pleasure There's A Price

From the positives of yesterday come the not so positives of today. I woke up this morning with a stiff neck and back ache. Slept awkwardly? I don't think so. More likely all the jerking around in the woods yesterday - ooh, nooo, stop it. There were a few areas of new growth that I ran through where the branches suddenly flicked out at your face. I think my cat like reflexes, yanking my face to safety, avoiding a branch slap, have taken their payment today. I decided not to risk the arduous trek south for the Ironwood.

Anyway, having risen early and then made my decision I jumped on the exercise bike for two hours to burn the pent up energy - not to mention the coffee high of two cups of super strong fresh coffee. (For those wondering, it's still to cold for me outside for a real bike ride, my hands just cause me too much pain). I spent the rest of the day coming down from that caffeine high with a bit of baking to relax the soul. Although I'm a tad disappointed not to have run this morning, as everything is feeling much less achy now I think it was the right shout.

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