Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Swinging the axa

The team did me proud. Yes, it's true, we weren't the fastest. Nor were we the wettest - on account of the fact that there were tons of runners still piling in after we had packed up and gone home - and it was still pouring down. We were pretty wet though. But I'm pretty sure we all enjoyed it and with the four of us all inside 39 minutes for the 9km course, I think we'll have placed pretty well up the field.

On the downside my left hamstring and achilles are both now sore. Too be honest my hamstring was sore before I started. Not that it really affected my run but there is a lesson here. Don't try pilates for the first time the day before a race. It's amazing what muscles you can strain from some gentle movements.

So what was my time? Not great and certainly a lot slower than my time of two years ago - at least I think it was two years but it could be three. Either way, I was a lot slower. True, conditions were far from great with heavy rain and medium to strong wind but it doesn't disguise the fact that I'm really not quite there yet...

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