Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Ah, the old Christmas run
We were out for about 35 minutes up over Dundry and although I wasn't pushing hard I can feel it in my fingers, I feel it in my toes - I even feel it in my legs a bit. I'm slightly worried about my left ankle which started playing up after last night's session and I can feel a slight pain there again today - sod it, I'm still racing tomorrow. I didn't get where I am today by being put off by a few niggles.
Finally, I wish you merriment and happiness for the coming year. Long may you all continue to run with the wind on your back...
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Back in the fold
We ran up and down the Clifton Prom in three different loops, large - 1.5km, medium - just over 1km and short - 650m. Now, in the past I've run the large in just over 6 minutes, the medium in just over 4 minutes and the short in about two and a half minutes - I should add at this point, that the loops are far from flat - you run up a pretty steady climb during all three and the large has a somewhat steeper bit towards the end.
Tonight we ran three large, two medium and two short and apart from the first one I was on my lonesome - on account of being shit. Even so, I stuck to the task in hand - you don't get fit without cracking a few nuts. I ran my last two reps, that's the short ones in case you've become confused - I had by that point, after everyone else had finished, warmed down and gone home - only kidding, they'd stayed behind to chat.
My splits were 6:20, 6:22 and 6:30 followed by 4:30 and 4:32 and finished off - and I nearly was - with 2:40 and 2:35. Now I know I've been quicker but it's a start. I can build and after all, it was close to five miles of (relative) fast running - which is way more than I've done in eons.
Sean ran well. I think it helped him to be part of a larger, quicker group. He had people to chase instead of being the lead man, as is normally the case.
Anyway, there isn't any track tomorrow on account of the end of the world - [coughs] I mean, the end of the year - so I hope to head out from work at lunch for a steady - and I do mean steady - half hour from work with Clive T and Graham. Then there's the race on Thursday, some 5 mile effort in Gloucestershire and I think Phil P might be giving it a go there - he's much faster than me in case you were wondering and a real contender.
So that's your lot for tonight. Tootle pip.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
I had the luck
So, it is with great reluctance, that I must return back to the reality of work tomorrow. I'm still not sure what training I'll be doing tomorrow but I'm going to try for the Prom session on Tuesday. Then I'll need a day of rest on Wednesday to prepare for a 5 mile race on New Year's day.
At least for now, the new training leaf continues...
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Over the threshold
I feel a bit tired but it's been a brilliant week. Have to say I'm not looking forward to going back to work on Monday but at least I have tomorrow to prepare myself.
I've not managed any training today but with some luck I will get out for a run tomorrow. I'm also intending to get to the Bristol and West training on the Clifton Prom on Tuesday. Not sure if big Rick is doing anything on Monday but I would be up for that if he is.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Walky walky
We headed down through the old ghost slate mines, haunted by the ancient miners long since forgotten - ok, so that's all made up. We ended up in Llanberis and a visit to the pie shop - they have them here too, not just in Bristol. The weather really was cracking - did I mention that already?
Thursday, December 25, 2008
At last a good run
It was our longest run of the honeymoon but for the first time I felt OK. We set off up Pen yr Ole Wen - a right leg burner from the start. We soon hit a bit of a climby section and for a moment, just a moment, Brown Dog faultered - but she made it up after a few tries - just like me she doesn't give up.
Eventually we made the summit before heading down the wrong path for over 200m of descent which we then had to re-ascend before taking the north path along the ridge around the tops. It was runnable - and we ran.
I really enjoyed it. What a way to spend Christmas. Simply ace. The views, however, were bloody rubbish. Low cloud meant we could see sod all. Two and a half hours after we started we made it back to the van.
I've put in more hours this week than in any other single week this year but I'm feeling better for it.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Birthday run up Snowdon
As a birthday treat we ran the classic Snowdon horseshoe - my legs are showing signs of distress and we still have a few more runs planned, and another race on boxing day. By the end of the week we'll have clocked more than a few feet of ascent. I'm a bit sad to miss Clevedon this year - but this is better and I'd never swap.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to my Birthday Christmas pud - one of the advantages of a birthday so close to Christmas. As my Nepalese guru says, 'Never turn down the opportunity for Christmas pud'.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Recovery run...
Helen, my new wife - not that I have any others, soundly beat me back to the car park. My legs were gone.
I hit the ripe old age of 37 tomorrow but sadly, there is no rest for the wicked as we'll be heading back into the mountains and a far longer run than today - I hope I survive...
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Ringing in the changes
Anyway, we ran Eryri Harriers' Christmas fun run - read, no prizes just an extensive raffle for charity. Being a fun run we took it easy - did we f$#&. I legged it from the gun but eventually dropped out of the top ten to finish 11th or 12th. Helen ran ace and finished 6th overall and a long way clear of the second woman.
Although only 5.5 miles I was pretty knackered come the end and it was good training of which there is much more to come through out the week - do you know, it's pretty hilly up here in Snowdonia.
Oh, and we won the special Eryri prize on account of being on our - of a sort.
Friday, December 19, 2008
Oops I didn't do it again
Thought for the day: While the rain comes down why not take the time to turn those potatos into chips.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Back to the bike
Anyway, it's a short one tonight - stop it.
Thought for the day: Better to understand a little than to misunderstand a lot.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Oh dear, oh deary, deary, dear, dear, oh deary, dear
We joined in with Dave B's group and ran four sets of 600m then 400m with just 60s recovery and a jogged 200m between sets. I had some discomfort with my right foot and had to stop after the first set to adjust by which time I was lost.
I steadily slowed down from an initial 1:57 / 76s pair up to 2:09 / 80s by the fourth set. I was puffing and panting - as you should be - but only when you're running a damn sight quicker than I was. I reckon that running all but the first set by myself made things a touch harder but I really don't think I would've been that much faster even if I'd run as part of the group.
I'm looking forward to some serious training in the next week or two - 'cause I sure as heck need it what with all my planned races coming thick and fast in 2009.
Thought for the day: A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Bristol and West Christmas party - disco time.
Lunch anyone?
High noon arrived and I was out of the blocks like Usane Bolt. One minute later I hit the street running - OK, it might have been closer to five minutes. I chose the old Dundry loop - the loop made famous by such esteemed runners as Terry M, Mark D and not forgetting Clive T and Graham C of course. It goes something like this; out the front gate and round to Highridge common. Then up over the edge of Dundry and back down to the A38 before heading back to the start.
I've been inside 31 minutes for the hilly route that comes in close to five miles but today it took me 32:24 - now I'm quite pleased with that, even if I say so myself. I even managed to get up to the high point in an 'about as fast a time as I ever have' 16:24. I died on the run in mind, but it was a good hard effort.
I'm going to try and run the same route once a week - maybe missing out Christmas as things tend to go a bit wonky this time of year - but after that I'm going to use it as my fitness gauge.
Thought for the day: Those who live by the sword... get shot by those who don't.
Monday, December 15, 2008
I'm too lazy for my shoes
Yes, as you can guess didn't quite make it out for a run. This slacking is entirely too much - and at time when I was just getting going again. The Tuesday Bristol training group is over at Coombe Dingle but I really hate it over there - all that muddy grassy stuff - urrgh. Not doing that.
I have a window at work, a small iota of time eeked in between a couple of tasks where I can, with the luck of the Irish, get out for a lunch time run. I'll see if Clive T is game for it - ooh, er mrs - haven't had one of those for a while - but I will wager he'll not be. Anyhow, I shall do the old up over Dundry loop and see what kind of time I manage. Perhaps the lunchtime run is the way to go for now - at least until something better comes along...
Saturday, December 13, 2008
And that's a poor showing
We went to the Bristol and West / Westbury combined Christmas party last night. Where, once again, I went through the motions of my sad excuse for dancing - although by way of a change from my normal drunken moon walking I performed my robotic dancing instead - and I did that without the aid of any booze. Sadly, I am a lost cause.
Anyway, we're off up north to Halifax for the Calderdale Way Relays tomorrow. I'm on support duty only as I'm not required by any of the teams - but then again, I am a bit rubbish. If I was team captain I wouldn't pick me...
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
So cold...
It was a good turn out with Sean, Bruce - and his dad, Mike - Rick and Jerry all waving the banner. Although, as is normal these days, Jerry was running his own 400's as we ran 200's with a non-stop jogged 100 recovery. I have to say that I was more than a bit rubbish tonight. My calves hadn't really recovered from Sunday. They were - and still are - very tight. I knew I had to take care and with the ice making the track more like concrete than normal I ran very slowly - 40 seconds for each repetition - now, even by my standards that is woefully slow.
Eight was the limit for me on this frosty evening as my increasingly tight calves forced me to call a premature end. Sean and Bruce knocked out a goodly number more - and, I should add, a damn sight quicker. I need to do something tomorrow but I'm not sure what...
Thought for the day: It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Not so final resting place
The last few weeks has definitely been an improvement training wise but I still need to step it up. My routine is beginning to get there but it still requires more work. Now this festival of 'Christmas' as it fast approaches is going to put a spanner in the works...
Thought for the day: Doing nothing is very hard to never know when you're finished.
Monday, December 08, 2008
I'll keep this short
As this thing is fiddly to use, I'll stop now. Oh, and it was half an hour on the bike - for those who are counting.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
The works
As the race progressed, I steadily lost places. Only briefly managing to turn the tide on the steep downhill sections where my loss of sense and sensibility allowed me to go faster than the average bear, Boo-Boo.
The finish, when it eventually came into view, was a very welcome sight. I was just outside my target of 1:35 for the 9 mile, 2,700 feet ascent fell race, making it home a minute later.
It's true to say that this wasn't my greatest moment in fell running but it was good practice all the same - and only five ladies, four oaps, three hill walkers, two turtle doves and a partridge in a pear tree managed to beat me home - so that was alright. Oh, and I made the top 254 (out of 254).
Helen took the women's race in a non-course-record time of 1:28 - whoo, not-record-breaker - although she does still hold it from last year. Mrs B got some cake and chips so she was happy and I ate 'the works' in the Little Chef on the drive home - ah, there's nothing quite like quality, home cooked food - shame we went to the Little Chef really.
Further training is required. Make it so, number one.
Thought for the day: I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Lovely bit of cake
Anyway, I raring to go. Bring on the cracker...
Thought for the day: It may be that your sole purpose in life is simply to serve as a warning to others.
Friday, December 05, 2008
A new hope
I can't say I'm totally looking forward to the Cracker up in Shropshire - because I know I'm not really in shape for it and after seeing the forecast - it looks like being a cold one to boot. My only hope is that I can summon the power of the mad runner to see me through...
Thought for the day: 'Budget' - A method for going broke methodically.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
White Beast II: Son of the Beast
All of which hides the fact that I am tapering for the race. Well, really I'm just too knackered to train - but I'll call it tapering instead as it sounds better.
Oh, and we've bought a new beast, Son of the Beast. A Vauxhall Vivaro - so if you've heard anything bad about the vivaro - keep it to yourself. I don't want to know. Really, I don't want to know. We like it and that's all that matters - sssh, no, sssh, don't say anything. Shtum.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
The long day
The conference was interesting enough that I didn't fall asleep - always a plus. But then came the drive home. I left at 16:00 but after a crash on the M5 left it closed off from the M42 I had to find an alternative way home - cue TomTom, the worlds bestest ever car navigator. It found me a route around the trouble.
I finally got home at 19:30 to be greeted by 'er indoors and a lovely plate of Iranian cuisine. Anyway, I'm way past too tired to do any running stuff. The rub is that my legs feel fully recovered. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.
Thought for the day: Dogs VS Cats
A dog thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me,
provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good
care of me... They must be Gods!
A cat thinks: Hey, these people I live with feed me, love me,
provide me with a nice warm, dry house, pet me, and take good
care of me... I must be a God!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
I wasn't going to...
Not a run though. After three straight days of running and racing I couldn't take a fourth. My legs do actually feel a lot better than yesterday. Not fully recovered, mind, but no longer painful. Perhaps that killer run last night wasn't so bad after all - still, it felt bad at the time.
So to this evening and a half hour on the bike. I didn't pull out all the stops but it was hard enough effort to activate the apocrine and merocrine glands - that's sweating to you. All this is the name of enjoyment. The things we do, eh?
Oh, and here's the missing photo - after such a big build up it's a bit of an anticlimax. Still, I shall try and brighten up the blog with a few photo's from now on - that is until the filming resumes in the spring...
Thought for the day: Mental Floss prevents Moral Decay.
Monday, December 01, 2008
I could go off that Jerry
Anyway, it was a good 11k for me, practically a tempo run on current form weighing in at just under 46 minutes. Heaven knows how bad my poor quads are going to feel tomorrow. Still, I must try and do something. Maybe the bike me thinks.
And, in case you were wondering, I haven't a clue where yesterday's photo has gone. It claims to have been posted to the web but there ain't no sign of it. I will try to post it again tomorrow. I dunno, all this techno stuff - it's just plain wrong.