Saturday, July 20, 2024

A Week With A PB Can't Be All Bad

It's been a low key couple weeks. I've had a several decent medium run including an out and back (14k total) to the summit of Fan Llia to marshal in the Four Fans Race last weekend, a solid 8k yesterday - which was meant to be 16k but it was just so god damn hot I cut it short, and a tempo 8+k today. There's also been a few solid Zwifts.

The highlight was Tuesday's Blaisdon 10k. My first road 10k, since last years Blaisdon. I was still feeling the effects of the mountains and since I haven't been focusing on speed, I was not expecting much. I was looking at sub 50 but hoping for something closer to last years time.

Anyway, on the race, and I managed to avoid getting caught up in the "starting too fast surge" on the downhill section in the first 500m and quickly settled in to a steady, controlled pace, a few seconds inside PB* pace. I wondered whether that was too fast but carried on. It's an undulating course with a surprising 100m of total ascent. I was definitely hanging on in there in the last 2k but managed to improve my time by 40s to 47:11. And looking at my splits, despite feeling I was fading towards the end, my pace didn't drop off so the endurance I've been building is definitely having a positive effect.

I'm going to move to a two week schedule where I do a long weekend run every other week vs every week as it was leaving me too empty to do the speed work. I'll put the speed work on the alternate weeks and other bits and bobs in between. That way I'll get my speed and my endurance. Well, that's the plan.

* For the record, when I refer to PB, I am referring to my post running re-boot 2.0 PB and not my 'life time best'.

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Result! Didn't Get Soaked

It's been a week of very easy training ahead of today's race, the Fan y Big fell race. I knew it was going to be a tough test - and it didn't disappoint. The forecast was for rain throughout the race, which started midday. That rain didn't really materialise. The sun even made an appearance. The wind on the way out was pretty strong in gusts but I'd take that over continuous rain any day.

I was happy with my race. I ran a good amount of the ascent, which kicked in after about 500m out from the start and didn't stop until the high point at about 7km, climbing some 600+m at an average grade of 9.4%!. A year ago there would have been a very different ratio of running to walking so I'm really pleased about that. My long training runs have really helped my endurance and I felt strong - until the final couple of kilometres, where the pounding descent finally took its toll.      

Finished top half of the field and gained five or six places after the initial settling phase, so over all I'm very happy. Hopefully I won't be needing to descend the stairs backwards tomorrow but we'll see. Oh, and although the route was clockwise this year (first time ever) I was over 11-minutes quicker than the last time I ran it in 2019, clocking 1:47:20.