Well my fence made it through last night but as I suspected from looking at its rather rickety form against the early morning dawn it didn't see the day out - what a bugger. Three panels down, one obliterated and two looking decidedly the worse for wear. Oh well that's a little job I've got to make time for.
Now onto important matters. What am I having to eat tonight? - only kidding - I meant tonight's training up at the zoo. Bit of variation tonight which broke up the session really well. Instead of running eight single laps we ran one of the normal singles with 90s recovery and then a different, slightly shorter lap with more of a steady rise in it. Stir in a little wind/gale, a sprinkle of drizzle, repeat four times and there you have it. The two different laps really made the session pass much more quickly than normal. Like yesterdays session, tonight's was another quick and consistent one for me. 3:06 for the longs ones and 2:24 to 2:27 for the shorter ones. After yesterday and today I'm beginning to feel like all the effort is starting to pay off. My legs were still tired tonight but I made sure I completed the session. I feel I'm benefiting both mentally and physically from these hard work outs. Giving me more capacity to dig deep.
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