Monday, August 23, 2021

Longest Time Without a Post

Over a month is a new record for non-posting. It's fair to there hasn't been a lot to post about. Training is as hit and miss as ever, although I am managing to get out for a few 'longer', hillier walks. My fitness is still really piss poor but I'm hoping I'll find some motivation from somewhere to kick it up a notch. Although, it probably needs to crank up five or six notches...

Sunday, July 18, 2021


Well that was a couple of scorching days! Couldn't face running in this heat so I headed out for a pair of walks instead. I really should have taken a drink with me though as I cramped a little bit towards the end of my walk yesterday.

Having learnt nothing from yesterday and my caffs already feeling sore, I completely forgot to take a drink with me today either, and again, just started to cramp as I headed back into the village. Despite only walking, the combined 20k felt like it was worth it as my legs are feeling heavy right now.

Saturday, July 10, 2021

I Enjoyed That

Another outing back to the mountains. This time as a marshal for the Four Fans Fell Race, check point two, Fan Llia. I made a short walk of it rather than just heading straight up from the road junction, parking at the forest car park and walking up the ridge. Bonus feature was that the car park was fully opened. Last time I was there it was blocked off with mounds of rubble and I thought it was yet another forest car park closed but no, it was back fully open. Bonus. I took my tent up but didn't need it. Stayed dry throughout which was second bonus of the day. Then, with all 28 runners through the summit, it was the return trip back down.

Sunday, June 13, 2021

Just About Made It Back from the Hills...

With the forecast showing scorchio, I headed out early - and I'm thankful I did. I was out on the hill awhile and by the time I was heading back down it was getting crispy out there but I'm getting ahead of things.

I set the MapRun app going and headed to the start. With a beep I was off. Five minutes later I was puffing like a right old bastard. It was a steep start. Then another five minutes later and I was getting confused by the difference of the way markings as compared to the map. All turned out right in the end and eventually I made it onto the hill proper and from there the navigation was more to my liking.

Not gonna lie, it was hard going. The up was a slog but thankfully I was accurate with the nav and didn't waste any energy dillying - I wasted a shit tonne dallying mind, my legs didn't have the power nor my lungs the puff. I was bloody knackered by the time I got to the top ridge. Thankfully, that was all the ascent done and dusted and from there I was able to enjoy the views as I ploddled along - another good made-up word there!

As I neared the finish, I met a few fellow MapRunners heading out. Definitely glad I started early as it was going to be crispy for those poor souls. All in all, a grand morning out...

Saturday, June 12, 2021

Heading Back to the Hills...

...It's been years. Okay, not quite, as I marshalled (poorly) at December's Blorenge race. This will be the first time I've "competed" in an event. I'm quite looking forward to a bit of random hill walking at Cwmdu East....

Took it easy on the treadmill today after a slightly more effortuitous - now, I definitely made that word up - jog/walk yesterday in the forest.

Saturday, June 05, 2021

So Unfit

God, I am so unfit. It's all been a bit hit and miss of late. I found the weeks and weeks of pants weather really demotivating. Now we've hit a spell of better stuff I'm hoping to find some motivation. Base fitness is through the floor. With lockdown loosening I'm looking to get back to the mountains, but I'm worried it'll kill me. I've decided to fit in a few hillier walks before I attempt next week's Cwmdu East MapCrawl

Sunday, May 09, 2021

Been a Bit of a Gap... posting. Although to be fair the last week or two has been a little easier on the training front as well due to feeling a bit jaded. Sleep has been a bit disturbed for no particular reason. Managing to get back on in it now though which will hopefully continue... and I'm hoping we will finally see the end of the crap weather and the start of something more decent. 

Sunday, April 11, 2021

Trending Upwards

The upper body work continues, five sessions this week. I also managed to fit in a couple of stages of the Tout of Watopia on the bike and one on two feet. The running sadly took a step backwards over the last couple of weeks, missing several runs but things are getting back on track and today's interval session was solid. Onwards...

Friday, April 02, 2021

The Upper Body Work Outs Are Going Well

But the running has been a bit lacking. Although I was a bit more intense today, with a solid interval session of nine 500m intervals. Not eyeballs out - obvs - but still pretty decent. Had a couple of good rides. Hoping to continue the progress over the weekend.

Monday, March 29, 2021

Sadly, It's Been Another Lighter Week

Last week was a bit of a lighter week. Was feeling a bit bloaty and that makes running uncomfortable. I did manage some continued upper body workout with the VR kit. I'm really enjoying my 20–30 minute workouts, it's both fun and hard work at the same time. At some point I intend to add some resistance to the mix to take it up a notch.

Today kicked off this years Tour of Watopia for both cycling and running. Five stages in each discipline to be completed by the end of April. I started things off with the longer bike ride. Hopefully I'll fit in stage one for the running tomorrow or Wednesday and of course there will be more upper body workouts to try and help reduce the flabby bits.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Back to It...

After a somewhat reduced week's training last week things are back going forward - ehh?! Ran a decent set of eight 500m reps yesterday and today was Duathlon number five of the series. It was a slightly less flat route than normal and my average power was a little down on my first two rides, but I made up for it on the run with my best effort so far - which isn't exactly saying much. Still, happy to have improved that a little bit. Probably a rest day tomorrow or something very gentle.

Sunday, March 14, 2021

A Slightly Off Week

But finally, back to full capacity. Had a very long work day on Tuesday, through the night to Wednesday and then, after a couple of hours off, a full day's training on Wednesday via the teams - had to put my hands up to having nodded off for a few minutes in the final hour, before being woken by my colleagues. That, I have to say, left me discombobulated for the following few days. It was only really by yesterday that I was feeling back to 'normal'. Definitely getting too old for that shit.....

Normal training should resume Monday. The main target for the week is Wednesday's Duathlon. Beyond that I've yet to fill in the schedule. There will definitely be continued use of my new 'toy' - ooh, matron - to add some upper body work to my routine. VR boxing - and by god is it hard work. Twenty minutes and my arms and shoulders are gone. Hopefully, I will see the benefit from a regular workout and be able to increase the duration over time.

Saturday, March 06, 2021

Seven Becomes More...

So I somewhat did mi'self with my over exuberance. It has taken me a couple of days for my hamstring to recover. Still not completely settled but no longer causing me pain enough to stop me heading back unto the breach. I took it cautiously though, for 5k number three. My pace wasn't too far off that from the first two, only 30s off Monday's effort. All being well I'll be back on it tomorrow for number four...

Wednesday, March 03, 2021

Six Becomes Seven...

So the ambitious plan to run five 5k's and a Duathlon in six days is looking like it's going to be at least seven days on account that my left hamstring is a little f*(%ed. Okay, I'm exaggerating but it was sore enough that I could only limp walk the run element of tonight's Duathlon. The bike was about the same as last which was surprising as I could feel the hamstring throughout. Tomorrow is definietly a rest day and then we'll see.....

Tuesday, March 02, 2021


...Faster than yesterday's 5k. I was surprised how little fatigue I felt but then again it was only 5k. Back in the day a 5k was a sprint. These days it's more like an ultra. I have a feeling tomorrow's Duathlon is going to be more telling though...

Monday, March 01, 2021

Hard Week Ahead...

Probably being a bit ambitious but I'm trying to run five 5k's in five days for the Zwift Run the Worlds event - except it's going to be six days as there's the duathlon on Wednesday, so I'll be completing the fifth on Saturday instead. Still, probably being a bit optimistic for completing it in the six days but it's a good target to aim for. Luckily, there are plenty of makeup days the following week in case things go south...

Tonight's 5k was my quickest for a while. I forced myself to work hard and I was happy to see the finish.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

That Competitive Feeling...

 ... I obviously wasn't but the old racing juices were definitely flowing in tonight's Zwift Duathlon League race number 1 of 6. A time-trial format bike / treadmill duathlon with points scored based on the distance achieved in 35 minutes on the bike followed by 15 minutes on the treadmill with a ten minute transition in-between.

I felt I paced it about right on the bike. I didn't hold back but didn't go all out although I was motivatted through the second half to chase down some 20-30 riders without going ballistic. As soon as the time was up I was immediately off the bike and onto the the treadmill. Talk about jelly legs....... I spent the transition at a gentle walk but the legs didn't feel like they were attached to my body. Once underway my legs started to feel better and I increased the pace throughout and overtook a number of runners but 15 minutes isn't long and it was over before I knew it.

So that's the marker set for next week's race, although the bike route will be different so it won't be directly comparable, the treadmill section will be. Hopefully I can go a bit quicker...

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Tough End to an Easier Week

So it was a bit of easier week on the grounds that I was saving myself for today's Zwift session. I completed the final stages of the Tour de Zwift for two wheels and two feet with slightly easier effort levels than normal as today I had to make up for the Stage 3 bike ride I was missing. I was not looking forward to it and feel pretty knackered for having completed it but complete it I did. It's the first time I've completed the Hors catégorie La Reine KOM - and at two minutes under two hours, I was only 1 hour and 9 minutes slower than Romain Bardet's Strava KOM time!!! I need a little more practice....

Wednesday, February 03, 2021

It Feels Like I'm Improving...

So I went with stage 7 of the Tour de Zwift Ride tonight, the short 25k version in the jungle. I took it easy on the first lap but found myself churning out higher power on the climb second time round. So much so I was almost back to the kind of power of I was putting out eighteen months ago - that led to a gain of over 100 places as the riders around me ate my dust. Definitely heading back in the right direction...

Saturday, January 30, 2021

Niggle Feels Better

Pretty good pootle on the treadmill today. Not the quickest but quickest of late at least and the ache behind my knee seems to have gone. I felt it half way through yesterday's ride and during Thursday's jog, sufficiently bad that I only did the warm up. Today's effort was much better. 

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Bit of a Niggle

So I'm continuing on alternating days of running and riding although I have picked up a bit of a niggle. A dull pain behind the knee. It came on during Saturdays session of increasing pace 500m efforts. I probably should have cut it short but I wanted to complete the session and get my legs moving faster than they have of late. It didn't feel too bad but I took a rest day Sunday.

I managed an easy jog yesterday and a longer ride today at medium effort - apart from the climbing finish. The ache behind the knee is still there but not too bad. Maybe another rest day tomorrow to let it settle but we'll see.

Friday, January 22, 2021

And That's Another FTP...

But not a surprise this time. As me and the other four hundred riders sat in the pens, awaiting the start, I decided I was going to go for it. There was no soft start this time, I went at it from the gun. Despite falling back a little in the first half of the ride I was still much higher in the field than I've been of late. I'm not going to lie, it was hard work keeping the power up - and my legs knew it. I began to struggle on the box hill climb, the power slipping a little before redoubling my effort but once over the top it was, quite literally, all downhill - well almost....

Cue another 5 points on the FTP. Feels good.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Solid Ride

On Zwift in the 4th stage of the Tour de Zwift. Must admit I wasn't feeling it and set off slowly, just going through the motions. Not sure when the power crept up as I wasn't really concentrating but after a bit I found I was working quite hard. From there I started to chase.

On the main climb, towards the end, with the power as high as it's been of late, I was really puffing. Over the top, on the descent to the finish I kept the power on and was rewarded, at the finish, with a surprise FTP increase of 10 points. The second increase in 16 days, this one much larger than the first. Happy with that on a day when lethargy almost got me...

Monday, January 11, 2021

Decent Weeks Training

I've completed a good mix of training this week, split fifty fifty running and riding. I'm trying to alternate run and ride days not to mention putting a bit more focus on actually putting some effort into the riding - which I've been guilty of pootling. Last couple of rides have been good hard efforts. Forgot how good it feels to have really put some effort in - I won today's sprint for 611th place... 

Monday, January 04, 2021


My FTP is back on the way up.... Not by much, mind, but every little counts so I'm glad I didn't bottle it. I wasn't far away from that though, as the sofa was alluringly comfy after a day sat at the desk. In the end I dragged myself free after twenty minutes relaxing with the Neighbours.

I opted for a 17k flat time trial and went at it workman like. I was focused on keeping as even a power throughout and despite a couple of moments of doubt, managed to keep it going all the way. So far so good on the new year's training, two runs, two rides - which, coincidently, is definitely not in any way a resolution.

Saturday, January 02, 2021

Not Quite A Month Since the Last Exercise Post

I have been training but just in a somewhat uninspired fashion. It's all been very steady but I'm not settings any of those new year resolution bollocks. Just going to try and keep plugging away. Little by little and hopefully by the time we're back to some sort of normality I'll be ready to climb a hill - albeit slowly.