Monday, May 06, 2013

It Can't Be True...

I spent the morning, wait for it, 'pottering' in the garden. Oh god, shoot me. Shoot me now. Has it come to this? To be fair I had to stay in for the Autoglass man to come and replace my windscreen so I busied myself tending the grounds - also know as the garden.

First off I finished prepping the second raised bed and then set about planting the red barons - cool veg name. Can you guess what colour them onions are going to be? Then I sat in the sunshine watching the bees bumble around in this big yellow planty thing wot they seem to really like. It was good to see a fair number of honey bees along with the bumblebees. The humble honey bee is currently having the fight of its life and if we don't watch out we'll lose them. Rest assured there's no pesticides happening on my watch. Almost got me thinking about trying bee keeping... but no, I can see that would be a step too far. Still, I'm happy to do my bit to keep the bee numbers up by sowing some wild flower seeds. All in all it was surprising how much time I lost doing not a lot. Anyway, the Autoglass man came and went so I'm now back roadworthy.

Yellow plant that the bees like...

So after a spot of gardening it was into the kitchen for a spot of pickling - spicy red cabbage. Followed by some baking - a crusty herb loaf and then some prepping for tonight's feast, paella. Oh and then I went for a run in Flaxley wood.
Back from the run and showered - oh how I needed the shower. Sweaty bastard doesn't quite do it justice. Despite the heat of the day fading it was still damn sticky out there. The paella wasn't too bad either. I didn't use quite enough saffron for the quantity of stock so it didn't go particularly yellow but for a first crack it tasted okay. Job done. Time to relax before the rat race resumes tomorrow morning...

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