Sunday, September 08, 2024

A Solid Week

It's been a week of focused training. A solid Zwift hill climb on Tuesday, under/overs on the treadmill Wednesday, a sixty minute Zwift Academy session Thursday that culminated in a new 5-minute power PB. Friday saw me keeping my heart rate averaged at 127 for a 75 minute zone 2 treadmill run. Up yesterday, a very humid jog round the local woods. Couldn't get going. The humidity did for me. Then today it was an 80-minute zone 2 run on the treadmill followed immediately by 30-minutes in zone 2 on Zwift.

I hope this zone 2 training malarkey is legit. Do you know how much zen it requires to run for 80 minutes on the treadmill - slowly? I can tell you, it's a lot!

Sunday, September 01, 2024

Enter the Zone 2

I've managed some pretty productive training these last few weeks. Some decent mid range weekend runs, a few tempo runs and some good speed work on the treadmill. Plus I've started to get into 'zone 2' training. Something I've never done before but I've been reading up on it and thought I'd give it a try. All my runs now, same as a decade ago, end up being hard efforts. Even my easy runs ends up as a hard effort. I just can't help it. So I'm trying this zone 2 stuff out on the treadmill where I can control the conditions and nudge the speed up or down to keep mt heart rate middle of the zone - now, whether the zone is calculated correctly is another matter.... but hopefully I'm in the ball park.

There's even been a few focused training Zwift sessions on the bike, rather than my more normal 'ride around a bit making it up as I go'. The highlight of the Zwifting, for me, are the hill climbs, and I've ridden a couple. There is nothing better than 5-10k at 7%.

All in all, it feels like it's been a productive few weeks.