Yes, with a sizeable collection of recycling ready it was the day to be sending it on its merry way over at Broadwell and it's a little known fact - I think it might even be an ancient Forest Bylaw - that you're supposed to stop off and run the Cannop Ponds/Nagheads Planation loop before heading home. Not wanting to break any ancient Forest Bylaws, I capitulated.
It's quite a nice loop as loops go and I managed to round the course two minutes quicker than last time out. That isn't to say it was quick but it was enjoyable enough and I don't think I struggled quite as badly this time although I was puffing on the inclines. Come to think of it, I was puffing on the flat and downhills as well.
Anyway, I can't talk now, I've got some charts to examine and some data to analyse...
It's quite a nice loop as loops go and I managed to round the course two minutes quicker than last time out. That isn't to say it was quick but it was enjoyable enough and I don't think I struggled quite as badly this time although I was puffing on the inclines. Come to think of it, I was puffing on the flat and downhills as well.
Anyway, I can't talk now, I've got some charts to examine and some data to analyse...